pta01cd48-carlo gavazzi
pta01cd48-carlo gavazzi

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PTA01CD48 Carlo Gavazzi

Motor temperature control relays without external reset, Power 24 to 48 WL/DC
€112.29 (Excl. VAT) €135.87 (inc. VAT)
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PTA01CD48, Engine Temperature Control and Protection Relays Models DTA01, PTA01, DTA02, PTA02, PTA01CD48, Motor Temperature Control Relay. They can be used to control the temperature of a motor's coils with built-in PTC sensors. The alarm condition of the relay can be set to zero by an external contact or an internal button (DTA02, PTA02). The test button allows to simulate the failure condition (DTA02, PTA02). The red LED indicates the alarm condition., PTA01CD48, These equipment control the resistance value of the PTC sensors connected to terminals T1 and T2 (or 5 and 6). This value is related to its temperature (often the three coils of a motor) to respond quickly to overheating. Example 1 - DTA01 or PTA01 The relay connects when the measured resistance is below the nominal value. The relay disconnects if the measured resistance (i.e. the temperature of the motor coils) exceeds the nominal value. Example 2 - DTA02 or PTA02 The relay connects and the yellow LED stays on when the measured resistance is below the nominal value. The relay disconnects and the yellow LED turns off if the measured resistance (i.e. the temperature of the motor coils) exceeds the nominal value. When the measured resistance is below the nominal value (i.e. when the motor coils have cooled), the relay shall be activated by interconnecting terminals Z1, Z2 or by disconnecting terminals 8, 9 or by pressing the zero button on the front panel of the equipment.


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