wsm2ba2d24-carlo gavazzi
wsm2ba2d24-carlo gavazzi

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WSM2BA2D24 Carlo Gavazzi

Wireless entrapment protection device for industrial doors
€114.51 (Excl. VAT) €138.56 (inc. VAT)
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WSM2BA2D24, Wireless Device for Electrosensitive Protective Equipment (ESPE) Model WSM/WSS, WSM2BA2D24, Wireless Pressure Protection Device (E PD) for Industrial Doors. The system is designed to replace the connection cable between the electrosensitive protective equipment (ESPE) and the door controller. The secondary controller has input for both ESPE NC and ESPE NA 8.2 kΩ, as well as for low-power NC photoelectric sensor of CARLO GAVAZZI. The system provides high reliability with 2.4 GHz duplex communication between the primary and secondary controllers. The main controller can handle up to 4 secondary modules, i.e. one system can handle up to 8 ESPE. The secondary controller is activated by a test signal from the main controller and remains active for the time set on the main controller of up to 80 seconds., WSM2BA2D24, Wireless Device for Electrosensitive Protective Equipment (ESPE) Input for two ESPE, safety edge, conductive, optical, etc. Replaces the cable between the door controller and ESPE. Entrance for pedestrian door sensor. ESPE output: 1 SPST NC relay, 1 SPDT NA relay (8.2kΩ). Low battery output: 1 contact SPST NC. Duplex communication of 2.4 GHz. Integrated antenna. IP66.


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